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GitLab & Pipelines

DWP Project uses GitLab for git and CI/CD


The project consists of two project (in our case)

Frontend main repos

  • dwp-core - Angular projects for dwp-app. Most of the core logic is in here.
  • dwp-app - main webapp
  • dwp-akerbp-lib - AkerBP Angular projects - custom libraries for snowleopard
  • unit-conversion - lib for unit conversion
  • dwp-landing-page - landing page components

GitLab Projects drawing

Infra / backend repos


Everything that starts with microservice- or dwp-middleware

Branching strategy and pipelines

Usually Dev_Integration_Branch is the main branch. Developers usually just create feature branches

Naming convention (IMPORTANT)


  • Deploy to akerbp242: abp242-test-deliver
  • Deploy to akerbp300: abp300-test-feature-deliver


For R&D we need to be aware of which team we are working for as thing get routed to different namespaces

B4C/Build4Core: abp-<name>-deliver

For other teams, please ask Thien Phung on teams

The -deliver suffix will create a new pipeline for that branch and deploy to K8S a container that contains the first 14 characters of branch name. It will also append a service name e.g. abp-descriptio-dwp-middleware

Note: Branches without -deliver will not have the deploy step of the pipeline

Scrumptious pipeline

You can find k8s namespace and pod info by checking the deployment job logs in GitLab.

terminal output

Refer to k8s cluster management for logging into the correct cluster.

kubectl get pod -n <yournamespace> | grep <yourpodname>

Multi branch deployments in development

IF USING MICROSERVICES in addition Use this guide

Use case: you want to deploy a branch of dwp-core and dwp-landing-page. Make sure you use the same branch name in all repos.


Here the branch name was abp-1166-hss-deliver. Make sure to check the pipeline job logs to find the correct version identifier to use here. Check the Build node job and search for your branch name

The package.json of dwp-app and dwp-landing-page would be changed to:

"@dswc/dwp-offset-well": ">=17.0.0-abp-1166-hss-deliver.1 <17.0.0-abp-1166-hss-deliver.9999"

for all packages related to dwp-core.


Slightly different approach, here dwp-appwill be automatically updated with the exact version of the latest deployment of dwp-core and e.g dwp-akerbp-lib if the branch names are equal.

Example approach:

  1. Make a branch of dwp-app called something-deliver
  2. Make a branch of dwp-core called something-deliver
  3. dwp-core pipeline will run versionUpdate.js from the root of the repo to actually update dwp-app package.json

Version names can be found in the pipeline logs (branch names might be truncated or stripped of special chars)

Testing you feature branch (-deliver)

Sometimes you need to test your work in a feature branch or share it with others for QA / Review.

Find the name as mentioned before. [branch-name] === 14 first characters of branch name in GitLab.

Feature branch URL

Use this url generator to generate urls for accessing deployed version of your feature branches

Then use it like this: https://[branch-name]

Example for DSWC:

Example for AkerBP:

Microservices[branch-name]-[service-name] Example:

b4c (build for core) is written under core projects

Commit message

For commit convention it will start with either fix: chore: feat: and new line with ticket url. For commandline use Shift+Enter to create a newline that satisfies the pipeline gods


git commit -m "feat: spike to remove unused functionalities of AkerBP customization"