Deploy to PreProd
This document assumes you have access to the jumpbox (often referred to as jb). Access to the jumpbox is provided by Landmark support.
Go to PreProd Jumpbox at:
Select Jumpbox from the list. If it's not pinned to the list, use Search bar on the top
- The jumpbox is nothing but a VM that allows you to access the cluster, launching MobaXTerm, and setup the VM as screenshot if it's not setup yet.
- Once you're in, you can run kubectl commands.
- To find deployment
kubectl get deployment -n <namespace> | grep <name_to_search>
- To edit deployment
kubectl edit deployment <name_of_deployment> -n <namespace>
- In vim mode, find the line of image. You can find in Vim using
. Just be careful that you're not in INSERT mode when using command.
- Find the docker image of new build, visit the log of pipeline (Build microservice image job) and search for docker push. You should see 2 lines of image tag and path to the image
- Replace the existing image in step 5 with new one