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DSIS Configuration is used in DWP to control state based on user/customer requirements. The configuration is just a basic JSON representation and is stored as .json files in folders (collections) in the following repos.

Each project (DSWC / SnowLeopard) has their own configuration repo

The configuration is loaded initially in the app from /applications/DSDWP/collections/Report/configurations/default (hostnames varies based on environment)

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To add configuration items to the config repos just add a merge request to Dev_Integration_Branch in the project you're working on and it will be available in dev/localdev after merge.


You can fake the expected configuration in the services fetching the data prior to getting your merge requests approved.

Add your mocks or custom functions here:

DSISConfigService class in dwp-core\projects\dwp-core\src\lib\core\services\data\dsis-config.service.ts

Updating config (from postman)

To update config, first query the config from postman (or find the response in devtools):

You might use a different configuration(jbpm) or collection(DWP)

You can get bearer token token from devtools requests. Add that as "Bearer token" under "Authorization" tab in Postman.

Copy the response content and add/update the config you want in the JSON. Then perform a POST request to the same url with the modified JSON payload as request body.
